I realise this is TOTALLY off the photography topic but I have just spent the most AMAZING weekend with 8 other couples and their pregnant bellies learning about CalmBirth. I can not tell you just how well prepared now I feel for the up coming birth of our baby girl and how relaxed it will be.
Calmbirth teaches you about the fear -tension -pain theory, where if you have fears about birth it leads to tension in the muscles in your body which translates to pain. In the course we learnt and practised a wide range of strategies to work with your body and the labour e.g breathing, visualisations, affirmations, massage, positioning, using your voice.
I highly recommend this course both for the mother and the support partner as my husband gained a lot from it and learnt how to support me through the process.He is now ready for the birth of our baby girl and has seen time and time again that the birth does not have to be the screaming 'I hate you set up" that is so negatively portrayed on TV and movies.
He has now claimed the birthing partner role with both hands and we are now so eager to meet our little one in a Calm and loving environment.
By the end of the course both of us had realised we did have fears about the up coming birth- whether they were obvious or not, dealt with them and have been able to let go of the baggage.
Tracey who runs the Canberra course is simply a divine woman who is so easy to talk to and tell her any worries you may be experiencing. Which for me were a few.
For my husband, it taught him that it wouldn't be an 'I hate you' experience or a screaming mess. At the start of our pregnancy he wasn't interested at all in the CalmBirth class and as the weeks progressed felt that he would come along as it was important to me. By the end of the course he was thanking me for taking him.
He commented late yesterday by saying "yesterday you couldnt have paid me to watch a birthing video, but we've just seen two together and they weren't what I expected. The ladies were SO calm and SO peaceful with the delivery". He is keen to work with me to achieve that state.
This is the Canberra calmbirth website, which is very informative. The course runs in most states I think: http://www.calmbirthcanberra.com.au/ and we cannot highly reccommend it enough.
A Calm, positive birth experience really is possible, and this course will give you the tools to achieve the birth experience YOU want.
Rockstars and Royalty
8 years ago
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